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Frequently Asked Questions

Have you got a question? Please check our frequently asked questions below to see if your question is answered. If not, please contact us here!

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How do I join you?

If you have a learning disability and you can get on in a group, want to access our service and are over 16 you can refer yourself, be referred by family, carers, social workers, community nurses etc. Everyone has different routes to finding us but most people are funded by adult services, either directly or with personalised budgets, self-directed support, in-control money or direct payments. To start the ball rolling please call us and together we can arrange a visit followed by a free taster session (half a day, whole day or a small series of visits if it takes a little longer to settle in).

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Do I need funding?

If you have a learning disability and you can get on in a group, want to access our service and are over 16 you can refer yourself, be referred by family, carers, social workers, community nurses etc. Everyone has different routes to finding us but most people are funded by adult services, either directly or with personalised budgets, self-directed support, in-control money or direct payments. To start the ball rolling please call us and together we can arrange a visit followed by a free taster session (half a day, whole day or a small series of visits if it takes a little longer to settle in).

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How many members of staff work in a centre?

We aim to provide staffing of 4:1 for our usual daily rate. If you have higher support needs at different times of the day, or for the whole day we can provide you with 1:1 support. We are also very happy to accommodate you and your external support worker.

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What training do your team have?

Our teams have appropriate training including First Aid, Safeguarding & the Mental Capacity Act, Moving and Positioning, Medication Administration, Health and Safety, Intensive Interaction, Epilepsy and the Administration of Midazolam, PEG support, Makaton, Autism Awareness, Diabetes, LGBTQIA awareness, bereavement and loss and other more bespoke courses. Our teams are encouraged to keep seeking further training with diplomas in various subjects. The training we offer matches individual need of the people who are drawing on support and the people who deliver that support. 

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What days and times are you open?

We are open every week day, except for bank holidays. Our usual hours are 9.30 to 3.30 but some people come to us for half a day, either in the morning or afternoon. 

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What if I can’t get transport to your centre?

We can’t promise to offer transport but if we can do it, we will. We charge for mileage and staff time.

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What else do you do?

We offer a range of supported holidays to people who come to our day services. We have regular social events which are planned for together by people who come to the service and people who support them. 

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